Unburdening heirs
Selling the house
That is why we unburden heirs professionally and with compassion to ensure that the house is sold with due respect and without any troubles.
You can be sure of us going the extra mile. Services that we can provide include:
The family app
In case of a family bereavement, generally one person is appointed to handle all the financial and other business-related affairs. At the family’s request, we can make a dedicated app group to keep the other family members/people concerned updated and involved during the sales process and ensure that everyone can offer their input as well.
Clearing the house
Clearing the (parental) home before the transfer can not only be a burdensome but also an emotional task and process that needs to be allowed sufficient time. We can carry out part of this task. Naturally, the family decides which items need to be divided amongst themselves. Other items that will no longer be used or kept can be given a second life and offered to, for example, a refugees’ organisation or a thrift shop. At request, we can also clear the entire house.
The transfer of the house
A house that is delivered to its new owners must be empty and clean. This also includes keeping the garden neat and tidy, which is not only common decency but also avoids any future issues with the new owners. Our cleaning and garden team will gladly help you with that.
Valuable items
Do you find it hard to decide where to go with more valuable items like paintings, art objects, valuable pieces of furniture or vehicles? We maintain a network of trustworthy valuators whose contact details we can give you. They are all experts in their specific fields and will offer you sound advice.